Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A.

Putting Our Best Face Forward

Jul 21, 2016 @ 02:21 PM — by Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A.
Tagged with: Professionalism

 Eye Physicians and Surgeons continually desires to improve our practice and professionalism.  Treating patients with respect, giving great care, and now improving our "look" all contribute to our best presentation possible. 

 You most likely noticed our attractive uniforms that were first worn by the technicians and later by the receptionists.  The technicians chose teal and Caribbean blue was chosen by the receptionists.  Having each group chose a different color provides a visual distinction as to who is a medical professional and who is an office professional.  Each uniform bears our practice name and logo which has been embroidered in gold.  We have received many favorable comments from patients as they come to appointments.  Let us know what you think!



From left to right:

Liz Summers, Receptionist and  

Madhavi Patel, Technician