Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A.

We Care

Jan 24, 2017 @ 04:00 PM — by Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A.
Tagged with: Stockings Volunteers

EPS received a beautiflly written thank you letter from the Salvation Army acknowledging our role in the Christmas Stocking Program.  This charitable organization provided gifts for more than 2,500 children in New Castle County just a month ago.  EPS staff has participated in this event for many years and in December of 2016 we collected close to 15 stockings filled with wonderful treasures which were given from the heart -  and some were given sacrificially.  Our practice has been involved in this endeavor for many years and beginning 2013 the coordinator for EPS staff as relates to this event has been Elisabeth Parisi.  Each year her office area becomes "cluttered" for several weeks with red netted stockings as fellow staff members volunteer to take a stocking (sometimes more than one) and shop for the children.  Before the collection deadline arrives the stockings are filled and returned to the office awaiting pick-up by Wilmington's Police and/or Fire Departments.

EPS wants the community to know we care about our neighborhood and beyond ... we are proud of the generosity of our wonderful staff.