Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A.

Dangerous Times for Vision

Jun 28, 2019 @ 03:18 PM — by Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A.
Tagged with: 4th Of July Fireworks Safety

The month of June has twice the awareness delegated to it.  After covering Cataract Awareness for several weeks, we close out the month with June’s second awareness – Fireworks Eye Safety.  With the end of June being so close to the dangerous days for vision and bodily harm it is fitting to have saved this subject for this timeframe.

Consider the many life threatening things that can happen this time of year, for example safety for swimmers, boaters, insect stings, automobile accidents to name a few.  The one danger that “lights up the skies” is Fireworks!  The color display and lightshows done with fireworks attract many people – even the noise of fireworks is exciting to some.  However the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission reports 13,000 injuries from fireworks in 2017.  Two-thirds of fireworks related injuries treated in emergency rooms have occurred between mid-June and mid-July.

What can we do to prevent life-changing injuries?  Awareness of safety and putting awareness into preventive action plans especially while celebrating our nation’s birthday is vital. 

The most recent report from the U.S. Consumer Safety Commission tells us that 14% of fireworks injuries were eye injuries.  Things that happen to the eyes are:  ruptured globe, chemical burns, retinal detachment, corneal abrasions – all have potential to lead to blindness.

What can one do once and eye injury from fireworks occurs?  AAO gives the following guidelines as fireworks injury to the eyes is considered a medical emergency

The AAO’s website contains a wealth of information – only some of which is used in this blog.  The link below will provide a pathway to further safety information.  It includes as well links to true personal stories of victims of fireworks injuries.


Another good source of information is Kids Health.org from Nemours and the link is provided below.  This source contains longer lists of tips for safety regarding fireworks and only several are listed here:

You are encouraged to connect to the links provided and be educated on Fireworks Safety Awareness.


All of us at Eye Physicians and Surgeons wish you a happy and safe summer season and use your safety awareness while celebrating Independence Day!