Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A.

Treatments for Presbyopia

Oct 5, 2012 @ 09:00 AM — by Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A.
Tagged with: Presbyopia Farsightedness Monovision Lasik Intraocular Lenses

As people grow older, they are more likely to experience certain kinds of vision problems. Cataracts, for example, are more likely to develop the older a person gets. Thankfully there are many options available for effective eye care. One age-related vision issue that we deal with a lot at our Wilmington laser vision correction center is presbyopia. It's a condition that you may not be familiar with, so let's cover some of the basics about presbyopia and how it can be dealt with.

About Presbyopia

Presbyopia refers to age-related farsightedness. The condition begins in middle age and becomes more pronounced the older a person gets. Since this is part of the natural aging process, presbyopia affects everyone.

Causes of Presbyopia

Presbyopia is caused by a loss of flexibility in the natural lens of the eye. This loss of flexibility makes it difficult to focus on objects that are nearby. When Delaware eye surgeons assess a patient's vision, they will be sure to examine both the lens and the cornea since the farsightedness could by caused by either. If it's a cornea-related issue, the patient suffers from a refractive error rather than from presbyopia.

Symptoms of Presbyopia

The most common symptom of presbyopia is diminished near vision without diminished distance vision. This can occur gradually, so be sure to be attentive of this as you get older. Headaches and eyestrain from reading could be signs of the condition as well.

Now let's look at the various surgical and non-surgical treatments out there for presbyopia.

Corrective Lenses

Usually when a person experiences presbyopia, they will get glasses or bifocals. It's not uncommon for patients to get two pairs of glasses rather than bifocals. In such instances, one pair of glasses would be for distance vision and the other for reading and near vision.

Monovision LASIK

Another treatment for presbyopia is monovision LASIK. This is not to be confused with traditional Wilmington LASIK. During monovision LASIK, only one eye is corrected rather than both. The eye that's treated will allow patients to see objects that are nearby. Patients will need to wear corrective lenses after monovision LASIK given the different prescription in each eye.

Intraocular Lenses (IOLs)

One of the most effective treatments for presbyopia is the use of intraocular lenses (IOLs). These are artificial lenses that replace the natural lens of the eye. IOLs are also a common part of cataract surgery, used to replace the clouded lens that is removed during treatment.

The Best Option for You

Given that there are multiple approaches to dealing with presbyopia, our team will determine which would be most effective for you and most beneficial to your needs. We will take a number of factors into account, including your current eye health as well as your long-term medical history. Some patients may respond better to certain treatments than others.

Learn More About Eye Care and Vision Correction

If you would like to learn more about presbyopia and how we can effectively treat this condition, be sure to speak with our Wilmington, DE optometrists and ophthalmologists today. We will go over all of your treatment options and help you make the best informed decision about your eye care options.