Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A.

Resources and Supports for Individuals w Vision Loss & their Families

Mar 4, 2019 @ 03:47 PM — by Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A.
Tagged with: Amd Retina Eps Assistive Devices

February has been an educational month in regards to AMD.  We have learned about the causes of vision loss, tools for diagnosing, stages of the disease, treatments, as well as prevention of vision loss.  As we close out with Week 4 of February’s Focus on AMD, we want to leave you with positive communication such as support systems, resources, how to live with the disease and still lead a productive life.

There are rich resources right here at EPS.  We have a Retina Service with two highly educated and respected Ophthalmologists who have made this their area of expertise – Dr. Carolyn Glazer-Hockstein and Dr. Paula Ko.  You can read their biographies on our website:  https://www.eyephysicians.com/about-us/our-doctors.  EPS can be followed on Facebook – Eye Physicians and Surgeons, P.A. as well as on Instagram - @eyephysiciansandsurgeons.  Our social media presence is busy and strong.  Drs. Glazer and Ko use all the most advanced technology to treat their patients with AMD.

One amazing thing is the adaptation of assistive devices to aid those with visual disabilities (even those who are blind).  Assistive Technology can add independence and remove the assumption that quality of life is lacking.  To the contrary, life can be very fulfilling and productive for those with visual disabilities.

Living with AMD may be challenging, however one can become a source of motivation as well.  There are many who have lived with vision loss (or even were born with it) who have been an encouragement to others.  We naturally think of Helen Keller whose story is an example to us.  She is known for many wise quotes for example:  “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”  Did you know about the founder of Jiffy Lube International?  He was informed at age 57 that he had age-related macular degeneration.  He met the challenge and went on to write a book entitled “Was blind but now I see.”

Lessons learned – take care of your eyesight, do all you can to maintain your vision, but don’t be afraid if ultimately your vision loss changes your life. We have many patients with AMD that live independently who benefit from low vision devices and medical care received at EPS.

At the following links you will find information we have touched on.  You will also find lists of vendors that may have the assistive technology you need as well as other articles about AMD for your enrichment:


